“Spider-Man PS4” Continues To Trigger Xbox One Fanboys RANT
So Spider-Man PS4 continues to trigger Xbox One Fanboys who ant to play the game. Spiderman youtube, gameplay 2018 ps4, spider man ps4 costumes, youtube spider-man ps4, free roam youtube.
Spider-Man PS4 Thumb Art: https://www.reddit.com/r/InsomniacGames/comments/6nzj71/spiderman_ps4_fanart_by_redknightz01/
What’s up video game entusiasts? RBG here hitting you guys up with a video I didn’t really wanna make. But as a pretty large YouTube channel I feel I have to. And it’s in regards to all the toxic hate Marvel’s Spider-Man PS4 has been getting from Xbox fans. Since the onslaught of news has come out in wake of it’s announced release date, the game and Insomniac have been getting a lot of heat. I mean meotoric heat from people who’re upset that the game’s only available on PS4. 1st and foremost lemme just say that this video isn’t targeted towards Xbox One owners who are just stressing their frustration in regards to not being able to play the title. So please don’t feel offended by this video guys. It’s perfectly fine to be envious of exclusives if you don’t have the console. This video is for the raging zealot corperate slaves out there who’ve been going outta their way to kill the joy for people who’re excited about Spider-Man PS4. Now I’m no stranger to the big console war, it’s pretty inevitable that I get thrust into them if I don’t wanna be. It was only a few days ago that I got chewed out by Sony fans because I said that I was a little displeased about Spider-Man being locked at 30fps. And how I wished it was at least available on the PC or you could have the option availble on the PS4 Pro. Mind you that I mentioned that it was a minor gripe and it wouldn’t stop me from enjoying the game. So I know that there are key words that will open the gates of hell in a console war. So you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. But I know that the hostility has been raised to a great margin with the Xbox zealots because let’s face it, there’s been a lack of exclusives for the One and One X.